Buying shoes at Marshall's
Looking & planning on purchasing tennis shoes at Footlocker
Casual style & shoes at Payless
Employee helping customer pick out running shoes to perhaps try on and even buy at Sports Authority
Mentioned above are some shoe stores that people tend to buy Tennis, Causal, or dress shoes. Whether you are buying shoes for yourself, spouse, relative, friend, children, etc., some people may find the stores mentioned above as their favorite or favorites. Make sure when purchasing shoes to talk to an employee you feel comfortable asking for help. The right employee will be just right because he or she will respect that "the customer is always right," anytime you deal with a rude employee complain to a manager. No one deserve to be mistreated or dissatisfied. Many people travel a long distance to go to the mall or shoe store & not every employee that work at that particular store or mall like their job and it will show in their attitude. Anyway, you're encouraged to shop at your favorite spot. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!